Broken Macbook diplay
Sad screen

Due to a series of unfortunate events, my laptop needs a new screen. Since it’s one of those new fancy unfix-able retina screens, it’s a big repair.

I started at TekServe, which offers the most amazing level of service for Apple users. Not surprisingly, they quoted about $200 for the repair, plus $730 for the new display. with an optional extra $500 if the case was damaged. They are consummate professionals, and I know that my machine would come back good-as-new. However, at the Apple Store down the road, my quote was about $50 for labor, and $600 for the screen. That’s a pretty big price difference. I have to assume that the Apple Store technicians replace screens and clean out laptops all day long. They probably have custom tools to help them. So obviously, I went with the Apple Store folks. If I needed specialized attention or some weird configuration, there is no doubt that I’d be back at TekServe in an instant. But for a run-of-the-mill replacement? Generic service from the retailer.

TekServe doesn’t want my business. They want real pros who need performance and can actually tell the difference between an off the shelf machine and finely tuned instrument. I aspire to be the ‘TekServe’ of my business too.